Sunday, January 29, 2006

He Regresado!

Hola a todos!!

I just got back from an intense weekend of orientation/getting to know one another activities. It was a grrreat time, and quite interesting at times as well. We got to Lago Rapel (a manmade lake that is a popular weekend destination for local Santiagoans) around 8 pm and then ate dinner. The resort where we stayed was very nice---I stayed with 8 girls in a small cabin directly over-looking the lake---it was perfecto. After dinner my friend Judy and I started an impromtu dance party, which turned into an all night event with a DJ and all. Im still trying to figure out how a DJ just happened to show up on the scene, but he did, and he was great (although he played every song about 5 times). We tore up the dance floor as some Chilean women stared at us in wonder (only to show us up the next night with their stellar salsa moves and perfected twists and twirls). It was a great night...and a VERY early morning.

There is no need to go into detail about the weekend. It was your basic orientation---lots of long meetings where people talk over each other and too many stupid and obvious questions are asked. We did have a lot of free time though, which was nice. We went swimming in the pool and lounged around in the grass. I got my first "color" of the trip----so now im not QUITE as white as I used to be! Que buenisimo!

Im not going to lie to you, this weekend felt a little bit like highschool. Its inevitable, whenever you bring together a group of 56 young people and have them interact and socialize, there is going to be some interesting drama or strange dynamics. I swear, within five minutes, there were clicks and popular kids and not so popular kids (you know, all that good stuff that we all wish we could forget from junior high and high school). It was a bit ridic. What sucks the most is that I know that individually every person is pretty damn cool. If they werent, they wouldnt be here. Unfortunately, though, I feel like the lines have been drawn and the groups have been made. I dont know where I stand in the whole thing exactly, all I know is that the girl who went and got a manicure and pedicure (with tips, mind you) on the first day in Santiago does not need to be my friend. I mean, really, it feels like the Real World times 8 ( do the math). Whatever. As soon as classes start, everything will be different, it was just frustrating.

So...that is my story of the weekend. Ups and downs, downs and ups. I had a great conversation when I got home (aka home to Santiago) with my hermana chilena. She loved hearing the stories about the weekend and told me that she totally understands my frustrations with the aforementioned scenario. Its funny, it was in coming back to Santiago that I realized that I really am comfortable here. I got off the bus and my madre chilena was waiting for me and took me home on the bus. I walked in the door only to see the entire family gathered, chatting and gossiping. So made me miss my own family a bit...but I've got a LONG way to go yet.

Anyway, I hope this finds all of you well!!!!! I've got an exciting/busy week ahead, so I will try to catch you up later. I think we are headed to Valparaiso on Friday to catch some sun (and seee Karinaaa!!!!) Im going to get a cell phone tomorrow, so you all will have a way to contact me (although SKYPE is better---Im mostly just getting a cell phone for security reasons here). Im verrrry tired, so Im out. CHAUUUUUUU!!!!

Love...Beth o.

P.S. Some of the quotes of the weekend:
1. amame! (i dont have an accent key on this imagine an accent on the first "a")
2. thats the fucking verdad.
3. me voy (in a jovial, "over it," voice).


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