buenos dias!
its been a while, so i just wanted to give a quick update before taking of for the weekend. im heading out to valporaiso and vina del mar for the weekend, so i'll be out of touch for a few days. anyway, nothing much new to report. i started my intensive language program this week. its pretty straight-forward, but a little repetitive at times. i feel like i have good days and bad days, sometimes i feel like i am communicating really well and other times its so painful and difficult for me to express myself.
anyway, ive come to realize that bread and fruit are the staples of the chilean diet. that is ALL they eat. every morning there is bread and coffee (instant) on the table. at lunch, i have a sandwhich (a HUGE role with one slice of turkey) and a piece of fruit. Then dinner is usually a pile of stir-fried veggies or a salad or something. kind of hilarious. i eat at least two peaches (duraznos) and a plum (ciruella) every day. sooo good.
lets see, what else to i have to report. i got a cell phone! if you all want to call me, first you have to call my country code (56) then my number which is...096954418. SKYPE is still better if you guys want to investigate that, but if not, i dont get charged for you calling me, so you can do whatever you want!
i hope you all have a great weekend and (for those of you in school) survive midterms! miss you alllllll!
chau chau,
beth o.
a few of my favorite moments from the week:
1. chasing after the micro (bus) after it totally left me hanging
2. being late to class because my bus NEVER came
3. once ON the bus...late to class...i am seated behind a little girl who is puking into her mothers lap. after the episode has finished, she sits up to put her head out the window, turns toward me, and gags like she is about to spew all over me. i just about DIED.
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